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Poor quality sound fix for the BITX40

Got my BITX40 board and kit from HFSignals and was very pleased with the kit. The board, built by the Ladies in India and worked from the start. Some of the wiring notes, I found on line, were a little hard to follow, but with patience got the build completed


Put my board in a metal enclosure, added a speaker, wired a 4 pin socket for the mic and ptt. Completed the function button addition and a few of the others too. SW not working yet but is ready for SSB transmission.


Unsung a dummy load, did a transmission test and heard the received audio on my receiver. The audio was very Dalek like and very incomprehensible.


Using, I found a group and they suggested the capacitor in the BFO filter was incorrect in size. Watching a number of videos I identified the said capacitor, on the board, and tried a few replacements. Non of the capacitors I used offered an real improvement, so I decided to use a variable capacitor, so I could adjust the capacitance to the value I needed.


This worked very well and after a few tests I got the correct adjustment and the transmitted audio is now very much more pleasing an easier to understand and hear.


Images show the capacitor in place. Top of the board in the variable capacitor position, only here the capacitor is a SMD style device, not through hole. 



And on the right, is the details of the device I used.

M0VLK accepts no responsibility for any builds/losses/injury, you or third parties ascertain, using ideas from this site. All information is offered freely and is for support only. Some skill will be needed in many areas, please take care

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